Friday, October 31, 2008

Illinois Arts Council Survey

With just four days to go until November 4, please remember to vote and remind your family, friends, and colleagues to do the same.

Exercising our right to vote is one of the most important things we can do to establish the arts as central and indispensable to our communities and schools.

IAA to Conduct Survey, Convene Forums on the Economy

In collaboration with the Illinois Arts Council, the Illinois Arts Alliance is creating a survey to assess the impact of the downturn in the economy and continued cuts in funding on the arts. We will be reaching out to artists and arts organizations in January 2009 and asking you to take a short survey.

IAA is also working with other arts service organizations to convene and promote forums on the impact of the recent economic turmoil on the arts and cultural sector in Illinois.

As information and resources on the economy are available, we promise to share them with you.

In the meantime, we want to hear your stories about the impact of the economy on your work. Are you:
Facing a severe cut in municipal funding?
Being forced to cut programs or lay off staff as a result of the economic downturn?
In jeopardy of losing critical foundation or corporate support?
Please share you stories by contacting Scarlett Swerdlow at or 312-855-3105 x13.

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